Paradox personified or, as Whitman more eloquently said, containing multitudes, I am many things including: initiator of Vedic Meditation, professional classical singer, longtime yogini, certified teacher of the Alexander Technique, sometimes writer, recovering runner and former intellectual talent agent to some of the world’s leading minds from Salman Rushdie and Margaret Atwood to Steven Pinker and Jared Diamond.
My teaching liberates people from their biggest nemesis: themselves. The practices I love--and teach--enable people to get out of their own way, to learn to human-merely-be (themselves) unencumbered by stress, fear or doubt. For joy, a by product of simple being, is our birthright: not a fleeting, temporal, object-oriented sensation or transient post-accomplishment high. Joy is who we are underneath the costumes we’ve accrued with time and age so to armor ourselves against life’s perceived slings and arrows.
An artist crossed with an academic, I earned dual bachelors degrees, co-currently, at Peabody Conservatory and Johns Hopkins University, with graduate studies at both The Curtis Institute of Music and NYU Stern School of Business. I completed my 3-year Alexander Technique training at the American Center for Alexander Technique in NYC with advanced certification through master teacher John Nichols. I earned my status as an Initiator of Vedic Meditation under the tutelage of Thom Knoles--one of the preeminent masters of Vedic knowledge internationally.
The (poetic) daughter of ee cummings and Teresa Stratas, I am fundamentally a human-merely-being learning, each day, to say YES—damn straighter than straight—YES to LIFE.
“For we are marble people; understand that people need marbles—even when they loose them.”